4 Quotes & Sayings By Joseph Dlacey

Joseph D’Lacey was born in 1917 in the village of Ballymahon, County Longford, Ireland. He attended Magdalene College Cambridge (UK) and University College London (UK) where he gained a master's degree in English language and literature. During this time he was active in the theater as an actor, director, producer, writer, and stage manager. He married Joan Gisborn in 1939 Read more

They had four children. In 1940 he moved to Los Angeles, California. He worked as a teacher at Hollywood High School and later as an English instructor at Los Angeles City College.

After the war he taught at UCLA, where he received his doctorate in English literature.

When you embrace the darkness within, you will always live in the light. Joseph DLacey
Satan walks nowhere on this Earth, nor has he ever, save where he treads within the human heart. Joseph DLacey
The Earth was not dead. She had been sick, yes, weakened by an infestation. Now she was ridding herself of it. For those who remained alive the choice was a simple one, whether they realised it yet or not: Work with the land-- respect it and give back to it-- or die. Joseph DLacey